Monday, October 22, 2012

Chinatown in Toronto

After the previous blog, this one I will introduce the Chinatown in Toronto. Chinese occupy a big part in Canada population, so there are easy to see the Chinese culture in this country. In Ontario, most Chinese lice in Scarborough, Mississauga, and there are many Chinese restaurant and stroe for servicing Chinese or people who love chinese culuture.

This is a picture which shows the daily supplies in Chinese store.

One street shot at Chinatown, and can you feel how busy they are?

Chienese believe some of the mineral can help themselves and bring them luck.

Well, it's true if you calm down you mind and focus on feeling the energy from those mineral~

But, do not believe that the seller tell the information which said "More expensive is better", even it is truth, you still have to believe the connecting feeling between mineral and yourself.

Chinatown is a place which hides plenty of treasure if you love Chinese culture. Inviting your friends and visiting these places, I promise that you will enjoy the mini travel!

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